Praxis 20 (2), 315-333

Teachers' and students' perspectives on the mastery, employability, and strengthening of university students in skills for lifelong learning

Perspectivas de docentes y estudiantes acerca del dominio, la empleabilidad y el fortalecimiento de los universitarios en competencias para el aprendizaje permanente

Isela Prado-Rebolledo 1

Lourdes Magdalena Peña-Cheng 2

Esperanza Díaz-Vargas 3

1 PhD. Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro, Querétaro, México.

2 PhD. Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro, Querétaro, México.

3 MSc. Universidad de La Salle, Bogotá, Colombia.

Recibido: 08 de abril de 2024

Aceptado: 27 de mayo de 2024 Publicado en línea: 25 de agosto de 2024

Editor: Matilde Bolaño García

Para citar este artículo: Prado, I., Peña, L., y Díaz, E. (2024). Teachers' and students' perspectives on the mastery, employability, and strengthening of university students in skills for lifelong learning. Praxis, 20 (2), 315- 333.


The strengthening of graduates' competencies is directly related to the teaching-learning process, in which the main actors are teachers and students. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify the perception of both actors, regarding the key competencies of lifelong learning required for employability. Therefore, the eight competencies for lifelong learning were considered as dimensions, as indicators: mastery, impact on employability and the need for strengthening. The study was carried out using a quantitative analytical methodology, with a cross-sectional, non-experimental and descriptive design. The instrument applied was a hierarchy of closed questions to university professors in Colombia and Mexico. The results were compared with previous research focused on the students' perception. This confirmed the hypotheses put forward, regarding the perceptions of lifelong learning competencies among teachers and university students. The academic community is invited to reflect on and question the function and functioning of universities; considering the perceptions of university students and taking into account gender and the conditions of the work environment, where technology becomes an essential actor.

Keywords: employment; gender; lifelong learning; skills; teacher perception.


El fortalecimiento de las competencias de los egresados está directamente relacionado con el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje, cuyos actores principales son los docentes y los estudiantes. Por lo tanto, el propósito de esta investigación fue identificar la percepción de ambas partes respecto a las competencias clave del aprendizaje permanente requeridas para la empleabilidad. En ese sentido, se consideraron como dimensiones las ocho competencias para el aprendizaje permanente y se utilizaron como indicadores el dominio, el impacto en la empleabilidad y la necesidad de fortalecimiento. El estudio se realizó mediante una metodología cuantitativa analítica, con un diseño transversal, no experimental y descriptivo. El instrumento aplicado fue de jerarquización de preguntas cerradas a docentes universitarios de Colombia y México. Los resultados se compararon con una investigación antecedente enfocada en la percepción de los estudiantes. De esta forma se confirmaron las hipótesis planteadas respecto a que las percepciones de las competencias del aprendizaje permanente entre los docentes y los universitarios son distintas. Se invita a la comunidad académica a reflexionar y cuestionar la función y el funcionamiento de las universidades considerando las percepciones de los alumnos y tomando en cuenta el género y las condiciones del entorno laboral, donde la tecnología se convierte en un actor esencial.

Palabras clave: aprendizaje permanente; competencias; empleo; género; percepción docente.


According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2021b), lifelong learning will become increasingly important due to the accelerated adoption of technology, demanding the identification of currently needed skills and emerging trends, as well as distinguishing those industries and sectors that will require these skills in the future. Based on this premise, the OECD proposes that countries focus on the following key aspects:

The study hypothesizes that perceptions about lifelong learning competencies among university teachers and students and those between women and men will differ. In the case of teachers and students, differences are expected because of their in the teaching-learning process, given that their functions and experiences are different. Regarding gender, the difference is expected based on the results of previous research carried out on this subject with Colombian and Mexican students (Díaz et al., 2023).

Answering these questions will allow us to design strategies that make the teaching-learning process more robust according to current needs, favoring its acceptance and usefulness. The analyses will also become input for developing and integrating a guide to strengthening competencies for lifelong learning of university students, which will be published in open access and implemented in higher education institutions.

In short, this research's objectives are to analyze perceptions of lifelong learning competencies of university students from the teaching perspective and contribute to the design of a guide to strengthening lifelong learning competencies of university students.


This research was of an analytical quantitative type, since variable comparison and their relationships were established for testing the proposed hypotheses. The design is non-experimental because variables were not manipulated, transversal because it sought to describe the variables at a given time, and descriptive because the variables are analyzed (Maldonado et al., 2023).

The object of analysis was teachers' perceptions regarding university students' key lifelong learning competencies; the eight competencies for lifelong learning described by the Council of the European Union (2018) were established as dimensions to assess this: reading and writing; multilingual; mathematics, science, technology, and engineering; digital; personal, social and learning to learn; citizen; entrepreneurial; and cultural awareness and expression. The following indicators were considered: level of skill mastery, skill impact on employability, and skill deficiency, rated on a quantitative scale from 1 to 5.

Researchers considered Bisquerra and Pérez-Escoda (2015) advice to improve the instrument's sensitivity while defining the scale, giving preference to a numerical scale over a semantic one. Therefore, only minimum and maximum values in the questions were established at the extremes to favor the continuity of the scale in the response options.

The instrument was applied to university teachers in Colombia and Mexico to find whether the perception of mastery, impact on employability and need to strengthen key competencies differed by gender. In addition, teachers' perspectives were compared with those of university students, which were obtained from a previous investigation.

The instrument was a questionnaire consisting of five demographic questions on a nominal scale (institution, educational program, highest study level, gender, and age), three questions on an ordinal scale to identify the perception of mastery levels, impact on employability and need to

strengthen the eight key competencies, and one question to request authorization for the use of the information.

Researchers established a scale of 1 to 5 in the ranking questions, with 1 being the value to indicate the least mastery, impact on employability, or deficiency, and 5 corresponding to the highest value in each of these. To promote the reliability of the assessments, the definition of the key competencies for lifelong learning declared by the Council of the European Union (2021) was included in the instrument.

The questionnaire was applied through a Google form and responses were analyzed with Excel and the jamovi software. The latter is an advanced spreadsheet for executing classic statistical tests in social sciences and allows obtaining complex statistical calculations. (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2019).

Two important characteristics of the instrument are validity and reliability. A commonly cited indicator for reliability, which refers to the precision in measuring an attribute or characteristic, is Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which can be used in scale variables (Rodríguez and Reguant-Álvarez, 2020). An alternative estimator is McDonald's ω coefficient, which has a higher lower reliability limit because it considers factor loadings, which are the weighted sum of the standardized variables, making the calculations more stable and reflecting the true level of reliability, regardless of the number of items (Vizioli and Pagano, 2022). Thus, the criterion indicated by different authors (Rodríguez and Reguant-Álvarez, 2020; Ventura and Caycho, 2017) is that a value of Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's ω that ranges from 0.70 to 0.90 indicates good internal consistency for a unidimensional scale.


The questionnaire was administered to 101 teachers. 43.6% of the participants were between 41 and 50 years old; 13.9% were doctors; 38.6% were teachers, and 12.9% were graduates. In addition, 58 of these respondents were women, and

43 were men. Table 2 shows the reliability data of the instrument obtained with jamovi (Navarro and Foxcroft, 2022; QuestionPro, n.d.; R Core Team,

2021; The jamovi Project, 2021). On the other hand, Figures 1, 2, and 3 reflect the results collected through the instrument.

Table 2. Sample scale reliability statistics.

Cronbach's α

McDonald's ω




Skill mastery



Impact on employability



Deficient competencies



Source: own elaboration.

Figure 1. Teachers' perceptions results concerning university students' levels of competency.

Source: own elaboration.

Figure 2. Comparison between student-teacher perceptions.

Source: own elaboration based on Díaz et al. (2023).

Figure 3. Comparison of teachers' perceptions from a gender perspective.

Source: own elaboration.

Table 3, summarizes the relevant lifelong learning competencies concerning employability, mastery, and the need for strengthening. Table 4, on the

other hand, shows the difference in the perception of competencies between teachers and university

students, in order from highest to lowest perceived importance.

Table 3. Perception of competencies concerning indicators.

Competence with the highest impact on employability

Competition for greater mastery

Most deficient competence

University teachers



Reading and writing

University students


Personal, social, and learning to learn


Colombian teachers


Personal, social, and learning to learn


Mexican teachers



Reading and writing

Female students

Personal, social, and learning to learn

Citizen and cultural awareness and expression


Female teachers



Reading and writing

Male students


Personal, social, and learning to learn


Male teachers



Reading and writing

Source: own elaboration.

Table 4. Perceptions of university teachers' and students' competencies.


University students



Personal, social, and learning to learn

Personal, social, and learning to learn

Mathematics, science, technology, and engineering


Impact on employability


Reading and writing

Mathematics, science, technology, and engineering



Reading and writing



Cultural awareness and expression

Cultural awareness and expression


Personal, social, and learning to learn



Personal, social, and learning to learn

Cultural awareness and expression

Cultural awareness and expression



Reading and writing

Reading and writing



Mathematics, science, technology, and engineering

Mathematics, science, technology, and engineering



Reading and writing




Mathematics, science, technology, and engineering

Mathematics, science, technology, and engineering

Need for strengthening

Personal, social, and learning to learn



Personal, social, and learning to learn



Cultural awareness and expression

Cultural awareness and expression


Reading and writing

Source: own elaboration.

Finally, Table 5 shows the difference in competency perception by teachers according to their gender, in order from highest to lowest perceived importance.

Table 5. Perception of competencies according to gender.





Personal, social, and learning to learn

Personal, social, and learning to learn

Mathematics, science, technology, and engineering


Reading and writing

Mathematics, science, technology, and engineering

Impact on employability


Reading and writing





Cultural awareness and expression

Cultural awareness and expression



Personal, social, and learning to learn



Personal, social, and learning to learn

Cultural awareness and expression

Cultural awareness and expression


Reading and writing



Reading and writing

Mathematics, science, technology, and engineering

Mathematics, science, technology, and engineering



Reading and writing

Reading and writing


Mathematics, science, technology, and engineering

Personal, social, and learning to learn


Mathematics, science, technology, and engineering


Need for strengthening




Cultural awareness and expression

Cultural awareness and expression

Personal, social, and learning to learn



Source: own elaboration.


This research's objective was met as it allowed analyzing teachers' perceptions of university

students' competencies for lifelong learning. These findings are below.

The results of applying the instrument indicate that teachers perceive digital competence as the one with the greatest mastery and the highest impact on employability, while the competence lacking the most is reading and writing. Additionally, researchers observed that the highest scores came from the competence in need of strengthening indicator; the intermediate scores correspond to impact on employability, and the lowest is for the mastery indicator.

When differentiating Colombian and Mexican teachers' perceptions, researchers found these groups agree that digital is the competence with the highest impact on employability; however, Colombians regard personal, social, and learning to learn as the competence of greatest mastery, while Mexicans consider digital fits better into that category. Likewise, these teachers differ on the competency most lacking: for Colombians, it is multilingual; for Mexicans, reading and writing.

From a gender perspective, male and female teachers propose the same hierarchy: digital competence has the greatest mastery and highest impact on employability, while reading and writing is the most lacking. However, men perceive a greater mastery of competencies than women, and women, meanwhile, observe a greater deficiency and a higher impact on employability in competencies.

When comparing teachers' and students' perspectives, they agree that digital is the skill with the greatest impact on employability, which is consistent with the analysis by Manpower Group (2023a, 2023b) on talent shortages in Mexico and Colombia, where IT and data skills were among the top five most sought after by employers. This finding also follows the same line as the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC, 2020), which listed information and data management and technological and computational thinking among the ten key skills to develop.

Teachers and students also differ on the competence they master the most; teachers identify digital competence, while students highlight personal, social, and learning to learn. There is also a discrepancy around the most lacking competence: for teachers, it is reading and writing; for students, multilingualism.


This research confirmed the hypothesis that perceptions of lifelong learning competencies among university teachers and students differ; it also found that conceptions about lifelong learning vary in values among female and male teachers.

Teachers perceive digital competence as their top skill, unlike university students, who identify personal, social, and learning to learn at the top; however, previous research and accounts from educational institutions indicate low performance in this competence, so future work must delve deeper into the coincidence between university students' teachers' and employers' perceptions. Contrasting these assessments will allow proposing pertinent strengthening strategies that favor employability, considering generational differences and the conditions of the current environment, which will trigger constructive processes in lifelong learning.

Digital competence is the one that teachers and university students identify as having the highest impact on employability. This finding is consistent with the trends among students observed by Manpower Group (2022) regarding the importance of this skill in the workplace. Likewise, Garrido (2022) shows that employers hire people qualified in technologies that enable new strategic modalities of employability, such as home office, nearshoring, offshoring, e-learning, and using new digital platforms.

The above coincides with Guim and Marreno (2022), who indicate that competence using technologies is related to insertion in the productive sector. Similarly, Shah et al. (2023) recognize that we live in the digital age, and the development of professional digital skills among university students is required so

that they can obtain decent employment and enter the labor market.

From the teachers' perspective, the skills most lacking were reading and writing, and multilingualism. Meanwhile, university students identify multilingual and entrepreneurial as the weakest competencies. These considerations reinforce a statement by the British Council (2020) highlighting that multilingual people develop skills at the cognitive and personal levels while acquiring empathy and a global vision regarding problems and their solutions. In addition, it should be noted that we currently live in a globalized and digital era, where a message crosses borders, so leaders' voices can be heard by people of different cultures, ages, contexts, and languages, generating in young people the idea of being masters of their own time and the desire to start their own business.

On the other hand, since there are more coincidences in the competency hierarchy by gender, it is possible to consider that strengthening strategies can be similar for men and women. In this way, equitable behavior in their coexistence would be attainable and allow the opportunity to favor significant behavioral transformations at cultural, family, social, and work levels.

Although there are eight key competencies for lifelong learning, personal and social competence and learning to learn are essential to obtain the others; even Riquelme et al. (2022) indicate this skill is necessary for a person's integral development and to promote employability. In this sense, university students need a multidimensional perspective (physical, intellectual, emotional, cultural, social, economic, spiritual, and generational), and the exercise of interdisciplinarity will allow them to strengthen their character and self-esteem. This personal development has become something that runs parallel to academic and professional evolution, making people increasingly aware of working with dignity.

In any case, cognitive restructuring is required in university students to respond to the new labor demands, which seek a better balance between family, social, and work. However, it is also necessary for organizations to carry out tasks far beyond the contractual and design new ways of working with flexible schedules, where the mind works with pleasure, without pressure, preventing cognitive wear and tear and offering a more appropriate work environment, with spaces that encourage creativity and innovation. In stressed, tired, and unmotivated minds it will be very difficult to find answers that allow thinking about job well- being and generate the confidence of collaborators who perform with pleasure and dedication in an environment of trust and gratitude.

It is also important for teachers to understand that university students perceive themselves as part of a more globalized system, and to that extent, they identify the need to strengthen skills such as multilingualism and recognize digital skills as having a high impact on their employability. To emphasize the ability to learn and creativity in problem-solving are valued, rather than memorizing or mechanizing in this new environment.

Higher education institutions today have the challenge of training professionals capable of meeting the needs of the labor sector (Cifuentes, 2017). This research invites the academic community to reflect and question the function and operation of universities, considering university students; perceptions and the conditions of the environment in which technology becomes an essential player.

Furthermore, the key competencies strengthened in university students will be part of their lifelong learning and allow them to develop creative processes applicable in the workplace if meaningful experiences are provided, multiplying the benefits in the global environment. The population must adapt to demands immediately, which requires important attention in educational processes and university education (Carrizosa, 2019).

In Mexico, in 2021, there were 40% more university students than in 2008 (IMCO, 2023), while in Colombia, in the same period, this number doubled (Subdirectorate of Sectoral Development Analysis and Monitoring Group of the Ministry of National Education, 2023). However, in both countries, the upward trend in this parameter was lost after the pandemic, which makes it imperative to strengthen key competencies that significantly improve the employability and quality of life of university students so that they recognize in their professional studies a tool to obtain a competitive advantage in the labor market.

The above is consistent with what Pérez (2021) indicated regarding the fact that jobs are becoming more competitive and involve greater challenges. Therefore, skills for lifelong learning are being more in demand by the labor sector, which recognizes their importance in productive relationships, the economy, and the success of an organization.

Being informed and prepared to acquire new technological advances in the workplace, and thus stimulating curiosity and the need to learn, are essential for digital competence to be obtained and applied in a VUCA work environment. Knowledge in this area includes using digital tools to develop reflective thinking, innovation, creativity, and the responsible and secure management of corporate and personal identity (Sánchez, 2018). In this way, it is recognized that it is essential to identify the need to acquire and improve the professional digital skills employers require from university students through new research.

The results of this research allow us to recognize the necessity of establishing a route or guide that strengthens the integral construction of lifelong learning in university teachers and students. For this reason, the need for the design and integration of a guide to improve university students' competencies for lifelong learning is validated and will be published in open access and implemented in higher education institutions.


The authors of this manuscript declare that during the execution of the work or the writing of the article, no personal interests or interests beyond our control have been involved, including misconduct and values other than those that are usually and ethically associated with research.


The authors would like to thank the academic community of La Salle University in Bogotá, Colombia, and the Technological University of Querétaro in Querétaro, Mexico, for their support.


The authors contributed equally to the study design and conception, data acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data, writing of the manuscript, critical review, conclusions, and final approval of the document.


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