Methodology for the internal assessment of a value chain
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value chain; competitiveness; value creation; assessment; methodology.

How to Cite

Vásquez-Barajas, E. F., Bastos-Osorio, L. M., & Mogrovejo-Andrade, J. M. (2020). Methodology for the internal assessment of a value chain. Clío América, 14(27), 401–408.


The objective is to design a methodology for the internal assessment of a value chain. The methodology includes a type of quantitative research, a deductive research method and a type of explanatory study. Regarding the results, the methodology designed for the internal assessment focuses on Michael Porter's value chain scheme with its main activities and support activities in a matrix that allows describing and weighing the relationship of each main activity with each support activity. The proposed matrix locates the 5 main activities on the vertical axis and the 4 support activities on the horizontal axis; distributing 100 % among the 9 activities as follows: a percentage higher than 50 % for the 5 main activities because they are the central part of a value chain and the remaining percentage for support activities because without them the main activities would not be supported. In conclusion, the design of the proposed methodology for the value chain’s internal assessment lets to identify strong main and support activities as competitiveness advantages or weak activities for improving, thus, as the relations among these activities.
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